Auricular Acupuncture (Acu-De-Tox)

Auricular Acupuncture at Ozone Centre in Simon's Town This involves inserting needles into specific points on the ear. Stimulating these points promotes healing in other areas of the body. Ear acupuncture it is used to improve the body’s flow of vital energy (also known as chi or qi) and to restore a balance between yin and yang (two opposing but complementary energies) within the internal organs. In traditional Chinese medicine, each of these effects is considered essential to treating disease and achieving optimum good health. To name a few ailments, ear acupuncture is used effectively to enhance mood, aid in smoking cessation, alleviate pain, depression and migraines, promote sounder sleep, relieve stress, and support weight loss. Vivien is an internationally registered Acu-detox NADA Practitioner.