The Liver and Gall Bladder Flush
An ‘all-natural’ flush to purify and rejuvenate your body.
Being the largest internal organ in the body, the has liver has hundreds of functions.
A congested liver has effects on rest of the body. Most of us have thousands of gallstones in our gallbladder with stress on the liver, sometimes the bile forms hard crystals in the gallbladder and these accumulate and can disrupt the digestive process and lead to serious health problems. The purpose of the liver and gallbladder flush is to eliminate that congestion in order to improve our overall health in a multitude of ways. The liver-flush can help to relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia, including sore muscles, achy joints, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, poor quality of sleep, yeast infections and depression.
These instructions are from the book “The Amazing Liver and Gall bladder Flush” by Andreas Moritz. It can be done in conjunction with a 3- or 5-day juice cleanse, Colon Hydrotherapy and Ozone Therapy.
- Up until the day of the flush, take one capsule of Malic acid per day, to help soften the gallstones. This will ensure you have a successful liver flush.
- On the day of your liver flush (day 5 or 6), have a light breakfast with no fat. You will then have your second Colon Cleanse and Vivien will supply you with your ‘Flush pack” necessities.
- At 2:00 PM that day, mix the 4 tablespoons of Epsom Salts in 3 cups of water, pouring this into a sealed jug. Make sure NOT to drink or consume any foods after 2:00 PM. You will just prepare your drink for later in the evening.
- At 6:00PM, drink 3/4 cup of the Epsom salts mixture. It may not taste too pleasant, but you can add a dash of lemon juice to make it taste better.
- At 8:00PM, drink another 3/4 cup of this mixture. This helps your liver prepare for the flush. Make sure to get all your errands and bedtime routines complete as you want to lay down and go to sleep right after the next part and NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE.
- At 10:00 PM, mix the olive oil and grapefruit juice into a glass and whisk together thoroughly. Drink this mixture then lay down immediately in bed. This mixture will help to expel the stones from the gallbladder. Lie down on your back and go to sleep.
- When you wake up in the morning, drink a 3rd dose of your 3/4 cup of Epsom salts. You can go back to sleep if you like. You may feel like you need go to the bathroom, in which case, do so as necessary.
- Two hours later, drink the last dose of Epsom salts.
- After 2 hours, you may start with liquids and slowly move to fruit, then eat solids.
NOTE: The first 2 Epsom salt drinks act to dilate the bile ducts inside the liver. The olive oil and grapefruit drink will trigger a release of bile that had been saved up for over 24 hours. This large amount of bile will push the gallstones out of the bile ducts into the intestines. Throughout the first night and the second day, you can expect to have a little diarrhea due to the Epsom salt’s laxative effects. This will quickly settle as you feel the incredible benefits of the cleanse.
Look for the green-coloured gallstones to appear when you go to the toilet. Some will float to the top and might range from the size of a tiny yellow-green pieces or small peas, even to the size of a golf ball. Some will also sink to the bottom as they are calcified stones. You may use a stainless-steel colander in the toilet to capture the stones.
Two days later you will have your final Colon Cleanse, which is essential to ensure that all gallstones have been removed from the colon.
NOTE: Andreas Moritz believes recommends a Colon cleanse a day before or on the morning of the flush. He emphasises that the post-flush Colon cleanse, 2 days after the flush IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL, to ensure that all the gall stones are flushed out of the body and that none remain lodged in the colon and toxins expelled by liver cleanse will go back into the body.