Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy is an Extremely powerful de-toxification method, with eliminates pathogens from the body.

Medical oxygen is converted into Ozone (O3), which is absorbed trans-dermally into the body in the Ozone Steam Cabinet. The third oxygen molecule found in O3, attaches itself to any viruses, diseased or irregular cells, and these toxins are released through the skin. The cells of the body become highly oxygenated and infrared in the cabinet effectively heals inflammation and sore muscles. Ozone fights bacteria and viruses builds up the immune system, enhancing oxygen metabolism in the body. In conjunction with a well-balanced eating and exercise regime, it will accelerate weight loss. It has been proven to effectively heal shingles, psoriasis and acne and eczema.

The 30-minute treatment is pleasant and relaxing, administered in a well-ventilated tranquil space, where the highest standards of precautionary hygiene protocols are adhered to.

Ozone Therapy with Ozone Centre in Cape Town
Ozone Therapy with Ozone Centre in Cape Town
Otto Warbug, a Nobel Prize-winning Physiologist said, “Deprive a cell of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.”
OZONE has been used to treat disease, infections, inactivate viruses, disinfect and treat wounds and skin conditions, for over 150 years. Despite the lack of FDA approval, Ozone’s use for many years and in many countries, together with countless studies and clinical evidence, have concluded its amazing and effective healing properties.

Colonics are an effective kick-start to a de- toxification program, such as a Liver and Gall Bladder-flush, Juicing Deep Cleanse or simply embracing a healthier lifestyle.